Computer — POS And PEO



Sinhgad College Of Engineering

Department Of Computer Engineering,

Program Educational Objectives and Program Outcomes

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Program Educational Objectives are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing graduates to achieve.

The PEO of the Computer Engineering programme is to enable the students to :

  • Engage in professional projects requiring teamwork and making valuable  contributions to design, development, and production in the practice of computer engineering or application areas,
  • Equip to adapt and grow with changes in technology, globalization,  to pursue higher studies and research activities
  • Be capable of productive employment in field of Computer Engineering with competing technical expertise, leadership qualities and good interpersonal skill
  • Utilize broad educational experience, ethics, and professionalism to make a positive impact on their local and professional communities

Program Outcomes

Program outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students acquire in their matriculation through the program.

Students in the Computer Engineering program, at the time of their graduation, are expected to have:

Mapping of Program Educational Objectives with Expected Outcomes

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